IFP Group

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    Alates augustist 2018 on Reisibüroo Karol Lähis-Ida üritustekorraldaja IFP Group’i ametlik esindaja Eestis.

    IFP Group on Lähis-Ida juhtiv näituste ja ürituste korraldaja, kes tegutseb Saudi Araabias, Kataris, Araabia Ühendemiraatides, Liibanonis, Iraagis ja Egiptuses.
    Suurte kogemustepagasiga üritustekorraldaja on silma paistnud üle 500 eduka sündmusega, mis on hõlmanud piirkonna erinevaid tööstusharusid.

    IFP Group’i rikkalik portfell sisaldab mitmesuguseid B2B ja B2C näitusi, konverentse ja eriüritusi, mis teenindavad mitmesuguseid valdkondi: ehitus, energia, üldkaubandus, haridus, põllumajandus ja toit, infotehnoloogia ja logistika.

    Nende korraldatud eriüritused ja maailmaklassi konverentsid pakuvad väljapaistvatele sponsoritele, kõnelejatele ja delegaatidele võrguplatvormi, et kohtuda näost näkku, jagada teadmisi, teha teadlikke otsuseid ja tulu toovaid pakkumisi.

    Messikülastusest huvitatud erialaliidud, ettevõtted ja eraisikud saavad tellida meie kaudu kõiki vajalikke reisiteenuseid (laeva- või lennupileteid, hotellimajutust, autorenti, reisikindlustust) ja messipääsmeid.

    IFP Group tähtsamad erialamessid:

    Oman AgroFood 04.12.2023-06.12.2023, Muscat / Põllumajandussaadused | Toit / Eksponeerumissooviga pöörduge meie poole

    NB! Messidel eksponendina osaleda soovijatele broneerime ekspositsioonipindu ning abistame reisikorraldusega. 

    Küsimuste korral saatke päring info@karol.ee või helistage telefonil 6143085.

    Korraldatavate ürituste nimistu: IFP Group Calendar

    Project Qatar
    : Project Qatar is the country’s only business exhibition specialized in construction and all related industries. After 14 successful editions, the show promises fast penetration into the country’s lucrative construction market, and the opportunity to generate new business leads with companies of all sizes. Project Qatar 2018 is thus a peerless platform, and participation is essential for everyone aiming at seizing a share of Qatar’s arena of opportunities.

    Beirut Boat: Being the exclusive event of its kind in Lebanon, Beirut Boat Show embodies refined living in every aspect. The show brings forward the world’s leading brands of yachts, super yachts, and boats, as well as the finest luxury vehicles, accessories and products that mirror a premium lifestyle. Over the course of time, Beirut Boat Show has marked its positions the ultimate luxury destination in the region, nestled in the heart of Beirut; the capital of extravagance and tourism.

    Project Lebanon: Project Lebanon, the country’s only international trade exhibition, returns for its 23rd edition as a full-fledged business platform for local and international industry professionals to tap into key opportunities in Lebanon, the Levant, and beyond. Project Lebanon boasts a balanced combination of exhibiting, networking, matchmaking, and acquiring industry intelligence, thus providing exhibitors and visitors with an optimized high-value experience. For an all-inclusive coverage of the construction industry, Energy Lebanon, the 8th International Trade Exhibition for Power, Electrical Engineering, Alternative Energy & Lighting, will be held concurrently with Project Lebanon.

    Hospitality Qatar: With 3 successful editions and counting, Hospitality Qatar, the country’s premier International Hospitality and HORECA Trade Show, continues to be at the forefront in guiding local, regional, and international businesses to Qatar’s emerging opportunities in the hospitality sector. With a keen focus on Hotel Supply and Design, Hotel Franchising and Investment, as well as Food and Beverages, the exhibition addresses the requirements of the key elements that make up Qatar’s rising hospitality industry. Hospitality Qatar is not just an exhibition, but rather a full-fledged platform that covers the HORECA market from every angle. The show offers a dedicated B2B Matchmaking program to help exhibitors and visitors of matching profiles meet and identify potential business opportunities. It also encompasses a wide range of dynamic concurrent events dedicated to HORECA specialists.

    Food Africa: After three successful editions, Food Africa has marked its footprint as a foremost international exhibition in the African region, dedicated to the agro food industry. Situated in Egypt, the gate way to Africa, the exhibition pro vides a versatile and highly targeted platform for local, regional, and international industry players to reap solid opportunities in Egypt’s whopping market and Africa ’s highly demanding agro-food sector.

    Project Iraq: The 2nd International Trade Exhibition for Construction Material, Equipment and Environmental Technology, returns at the heart of Iraq’s development hub. The exhibition provides an unprecedented opportunity to serve the reconstruction needs of Iraq after liberating all of Iraq’s regions. Iraq’s market offers a multitude of trade and investment opportunities in various sectors, including housing, infrastructure and transportation.

    Electricity and Power Iraq:  Electrical energy is a vital sector in Iraq that requires much investment, restoration, and development. For this reason, Electricity and Power Iraq will be held concurrently with Project Iraq –bringing together international industry experts and local stakeholders to explore potential partnerships and investments.

    Rebuild Liberated Region Showcase and Conference:  Against that backdrop, Project Iraq 2018 is introducing a concurrent event called Baghdad Liberated Regions Exhibition & Conference. This dedicated platform will pinpoint investment requirements in Iraq’s liberated provinces, and connect international investors, developers, contractors, and other industry professionals to local authorities and stakeholders. The event will also gather industry experts to discuss the challenges and opportunities in various sectors, on an international level.

    Iraq Agro Food:  Iraq’s agriculture is one of the main sectors that the government is seeking to reinforce in effort to attain food security. It is also a key area that is gaining international attention from support and investment perspective.

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    Esindame IFP Group’i messe Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus

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